Let’s face it: life is unpredictable. We all hope to live a long and happy life. However, life may not be as smooth as we wish it to be, no matter what our age, marital status, race, creed, or financial situation is. At some point, we may need the help of others with daily chores and support. A lot of us are concerned as to where we will be in the future: in the comfort and privacy of our home? in an assisted living facility? in a nursing home? Some of us are concerned about our ability to pay medical bills in light of high costs of medical care, to manage and protect our assets from the exorbitant costs of long-term care, to maintain independence and self-determination for as long as we can.

Planning for long-term care, which includes home care, assisted living, adult daycare/community care services, and nursing home, becomes crucial in the event you become disabled or incapacitated and are no longer able to take care of your personal needs and property management. Can you pay privately for long-term care if and when it becomes necessary? Do you have long-term care insurance to help you pay your medical bills? Do you have enough resources to pay for care, or will you need Medical Assistance (“Medicaid”) at some point?

We will counsel you on the various options available to you and formulate a plan which will be efficient and based on your unique circumstances and specific needs. Medicaid is a means-tested Federal-State program with income and resources limitations. Medicaid rules and regulations are complex and ever-changing. We will explain how it all works and walk you through the procedures and provide guidance every step of the way.